Monday, January 30, 2023


Sources in mass communication refer to the origin or source of information used in creating and distributing mass media content. The credibility and reliability of the source can impact the perceived credibility of the media content. Here are some examples of sources in mass communication:

News agencies: News agencies such as Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Agence France-Presse (AFP) provide news and information to various media organizations.

Government agencies: Government agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) provide information and data to mass media.

Academic institutions: Research and data from academic institutions such as universities, colleges, and think-tanks can be used as sources in mass media.

Non-profit organizations: Non-profit organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and World Health Organization (WHO) provide information and data on various issues that can be used as sources in mass media.

Individuals: Individuals can serve as sources in mass media through interviews, testimonials, or expert opinions.

Primary sources: Primary sources refer to original or first-hand sources of information, such as eyewitnesses, government documents, or historical artifacts. These can be used as sources in mass media.

The message is imagined, created, and sent by the source. The source encodes the message by selecting the best terms or sequence to convey the intended meaning, and then presents or sends the information to the audience, namely the receiver (Simon D, 2018).

In conclusion, sources in mass communication play a critical role in determining the credibility and reliability of the media content. The choice of source can impact the perceived accuracy and bias of the media content. Therefore, it is important for media organizations to carefully evaluate and choose sources for their content.


Collected from a bunch of websites and self rephrased.

Written by:

Shahd Ehab El Sayed Abdelalim Nossir


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